Saturday, January 20, 2018

Going Ape

STEM - The academic study of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

STEM is a way for us to understand the physical world so that we can, hopefully,  continue to move forward and keep it healthy.  Right now we are experiencing some troubling signs that our physical world is not well.

So when I read an editorial in the Orlando Sentinel this morning by Brandon Haught, a science teacher and author of the book "Going Ape:  Florida's Battle over Evolution in the Classroom," I was kinda distressed.

What he's saying is that some of us Floridans continue to be unhappy with the teaching of evolution and climate change in our public schools and are constantly trying to switch things back to the old way of thinking.

For instance, it was proposed in Nassau County (again) that we stop teaching evolution as fact.  Why?  Because "it can crush their (our children's) faith in the Bible."

In Brevard County people are complaining about social studies textbooks assertion that climate change is caused by humans.  They call it "blatant indoctrination."

One of the sponsors of one of the bills, Sen. Dennis Baxley, claims that "a college professor who teaches evolution but not creationism is a 'classroom dictator.'"

I, personally, have a positive view about the future of our planet.  The same planet my grandchildren and your grandchildren will being living on.  I think that science, technology, engineering and math will be key in providing them with the tools for keeping God's commandments to take care of our earth.

I just don't know if our Florida students will be equipped to be part of it.
