Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Today's The Big Day!

Today is the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.  Martin Luther nailed up those documents on October 31, 1517.

I'm a big Luther fan and a big Reformation fan. I totally believe that we humans need to be constantly evaluating and reforming ourselves.

The main issue with Luther and his 95 theses was the church getting off the track, mainly by getting greedy.  The church was selling indulgences.  This means that you could buy your way into heaven.  I love what my minister said about this on Sunday.

Buying an indulgence was your "Get out of Hell free card."

But this is now and that was 500 years ago so what's the point?

Every local church, every denomination, and every institution in the world is constantly in danger of falling into the "greed trap."  I'm grateful we have folks around who call us into question.
