Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Food That Last Forever

I love Tootsie Rolls but I once saw a guy on TV unwrap a 30 year old Tootsie Roll and eat it.  That disturbed me.  Why do some "foods" last forever?  Foods like...

- Walmart Ice Cream Sandwich - I read that this sandwich doesn't melt.  It just stays the same, whatever you do to it.

- McDonald's hamburger.  I love them.  But, apparently, unlike real bread and meat, they don't deteriorate.

- Diet Caffeine Free Coke

- Kraft American Cheese

- Cured Meats

All of the items above have a tremendous amount of additives, i.e., chemicals added to make them last a very scary amount of time.  I gave up eating movie popcorn when I read that much of it contains 16 ingredients, including Red Dye # 10.

Of course, there is the theory that if we eat these chemicals we'll last forever too - but I'm not counting on that.  I gave up Twinkies and Hostess Cup Cakes a long time ago.

As you know, I am the queen of fast food, but Dave and I try to pretty much eat healthy.  The biggest thing about eating at home is that, even though they get all wrinkly when they get old (like us,)  bananas, peaches and strawberries don't have chemicals.  But watch out for that can of Reddi wip.  

And, yes, there are some yummy foods that last forever with no additives:  Honey, maple syrup, beans and salt, to name a few.
