Monday, June 24, 2013

Time Management

Yesterday's sermon title was "Breakfast on the Beach."  Dr. Bob told the story of Jesus fixing breakfast on the beach for some fishermen, including Peter who had recently, when questioned about being Jesus' friend, essentially said "...never heard of the guy."  Three times.

I love this story.  When I was doing time management seminars in the business world I sometimes used Jesus as an example.  More specifically, the resurrected Jesus.  Just think about it - in a "time management" context.

For instance, if you died and then came back to life for a short time - what would you do?  Oh...and another "if"....if you were the savior of the world, what would you do?

Jesus did some surprising things with this valuable time.  In this story, he fixed breakfast for his friends and then after breakfast he repaired a relationship.

So, there you have it.  I love that Jesus did a servant woman thing by fixing breakfast.  I love that he helped the guys catch some fish.  I love that he forgave Peter.

So the next time you have to choose between a very important meeting or having dinner with some folks who need you, ask yourself....WWRJD?

(What would the resurrected Jesus do?)
