Thursday, November 15, 2012

I'm Not Seceding

It used to be that, right before a national election, folks would threaten to leave the country if their candidate didn't win.  Now we have a new twist.  Thousands of folks have petitioned to have their states secede from the union.  Six secession petitions have reached the threshold of 25,000 signatures.  Of course, Florida is one of those.  Following is my thoughtful response:

I'm neither seceding nor leaving. - No matter who we elect as governor of my state or president of the United States, I'm not going anywhere.  Always, the morning after the election, no matter who wins, I begin to think about how I can help them succeed.  (Not me secede.) Because that's what we need - for government to succeed.

I'm not changing churches. - If one or all of the ministers I'm crazy about should pick up and leave, or they continue to set the A/C at 52 degrees in the sanctuary, or they don't sing my favorite hymns - I'm not leaving - And, in fact, I'll continue to let them know how much I care for them.  And, although in my mind the United Methodist denomination occasionally makes some bonehead decisions, I'm always gonna be a Methodist.

I'm not leaving Dave.  OK, this seems like a no-brainer since he's practically perfect.  But what about when he gets old and has to use a Hoveround or falls in love with one of the Kardashians?  Too bad, Kim.  - I'm not going anywhere.

I'll always be there for my kids. - I love all of them like crazy but sometimes they seriously get on my nerves or cause me to lose a night's sleep. But there is absolutely nothing they could do to make me change. Same goes for grand kids and many of my friends.  Feelings are not as fierce but the commitment is there.

Along with the petitions to secede, the government received one for the president to "do the Hokey Pokey" on national television.  That one was most likely a joke.  But it wouldn't hurt all of us to, like Snoopy, do a little dance of joy once in a while.
