Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Frankenstein Turkey

I roasted a big turkey, with all the trimmings, every year for 34 years.  Then I stopped.  Haven't roasted one since and don't see it happening in my future, although I wouldn't rule anything out.

But I don't think it's a hard thing to do.  The instructions are right on the wrapping.  The turkey even has a little button in its belly that pops out when it's done.

I think folks have taken something pretty simple and invented ways to make it complicated.  We have barbecued turkey and deep fried turkey and Turducken (a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey.)  What's the point?

This morning I was listening to NPR folks discussing Julia Child's Thanksgiving Turkey.  She insisted that the turkey had to be cut apart, separating the backbone and then all dark meat from the white meat.  And then, after it's roasted, reassembling it.

Can you imagine wrestling a 20 pound raw turkey into all those pieces?  I can't.

It's sort of like Frankenstein.  You could (maybe) assemble a guy from a bunch of parts - but, again, what's the point?

Have a wonderful day tomorrow - Thanksgiving - and count at least ten blessings before you eat your turkey.
