Friday, October 15, 2021

The Butterfly Effect


(In Chaos Theory)  the phenomenon whereby a minute localized change in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere. 

Or, as Jeff Goldblum described it in Jurassic Park, A Butterfly can flap its wings in Peking and in Central Park you get rain instead of sunshine.

Yesterday I received a nice note from Tim Richardson, a man I haven't seen in almost 40 years.  He said, I thought  of you and the effect you had on me when you spoke to the FSC Student Government retreat in 1983!!! 

In the note he sent a link to a video on the Butterfly Effect, emphasizing how our words can change the course of history.  

So what did I say to Tim and the others in 1983?  I have no idea.  But it got me to thinking about how powerful our words are.  Many people in my life have changed the course of MY history. 

Tim is a successful speaker/trainer/consultant.  That was my title as well for a few decades.  He closed his note with this question:  Who had the biggest impact on you and your desire to help others? 

That's a tough question.  I've been thinking about it the last 24 hours.  If I would try to make a list, it would be vast, because  I've been blessed over the span of a long life to hang out with some exceptional humans.  Some of them are family members.  Two of the were my husbands. One of them I'm having breakfast with tomorrow.  

She is a prime example of "The Butterfly Effect."
