Monday, May 6, 2019

Are The Super Wealthy all a Bunch of Bozos?

One of my kids told me a story the other day that would make us think so.  We all know or read about greedy, clueless, entitled folks who never learned to say "please" and "thank you" because - why should they?   Isn't it our job to serve them?

But on the same day I heard the negative rich guys story I talked with friends who had just attended a generous giving conference.

The truth is that I'm blown away by how generous some super wealthy (and not so super wealthy) folks can be.  And it's hard work to give in a way that helps and not hurt.

Today I read an article about one of my favorite super wealthy people:  Melinda Gates.  She's written a new book, The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World.  In it she makes herself vulnerable by sharing some of the universal problems most women face, like sexism and abuse.

The main reason I'm enamored with Melinda Gates is because she's all about empowerment for women.  And I absolutely agree with her stance that the greatest lifesaving poverty-ending, women-empowered innovation ever created is - contraceptives.  

In her book Melinda Gates also speaks to the burden of having great wealth.  (What?)  It's true, even for the rest of us who are not uber wealthy.  Finding ways to give away money without doing more harm than good takes a tremendous amount of time, energy and caring.

So thank you all of you super wealthy folks around the world who are helping us save the planet and the living things on it.  It's called Creation Care - and it's a big job.
