Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Who Does This Remind You Of?

Titled Strawberries - but looks like
Superman to me. 

This big painting (approximately 2 feet by 3 feet) hangs in our living room.  It was done by a favorite painter of Dave's, Amy Cordova.  Dave loves contemporary art.

Amy Cordova lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico and much of her work depicts Native Americans.  Her art is full of brilliant, vibrant colors.  She also illustrates children's books.

Another of her paintings hangs over our bed.  It depicts a Native American lying in a cornfield and it's called "Corn Dreamer." I love it.  It makes me think.

Christopher Reeve - My Favorite
When I first saw the "big" painting in Dave's house in Edina, Minnesota, it was at the end of a long hallway.  It immediately reminded me of a famous character  - and still does.  It's titled "Strawberries" but I think it looks like Superman.

Dave doesn't see it but here they are together.  I'll bet you see it.

Corn Dreamer