Sunday, April 11, 2010

Travel Snapshots

How would you like to be spending your 8th day on a ship in the Atlantic? Well, here we are.

Non stop fun, food, alcohol and gambling.

We haven't done much of the above but we're having a great time.


Old European men still wear speedos at the pool without the slightest bit of self consciousness. Also earrings, some dangling. I met a Canadian wearing a big necklace who had his thumbnails painted with the Canadian flag symbol. When I asked him where he was from he held up his thumbs.

The Protestant clergy person is United Methodist. Score!

Dave loves the lectures. This afternoon there's one on the B-2 Stealth Bomber. He'd like me to attend one about our stops in Europe but I'm trying my best not to learn anything.

Evey day I meet fascinating people. Like the very tall couple last night from Holland. Said their country was so small that they had to grow vertically. You wouldn't think we'd have much in common. But wait, they have a vacation home in Davenport, Florida.

I've read five books. Actual paper books. But Kindles abound.

Every evening we play cribbage in one bar then either dance in another or listen to the Hungarian violinists in another.

Then we go to the theater for the real entertainment. Some of the best from all over the world. Last night a group of four tenors called Teatro. Four super good looking young men who are accomplished stars in their on right.

Yesterday I saw two of them at the pool. One with his feet dangling in the water. The Indonesian waitress had to ask him to remove his flip flops. She was scared but he smiled at her. People were all over them. One guy talked with them at length. Later the man sat down beside me. I asked if he was an entertainer. He said no, he owned some radio stations in Texas. I asked if he knows Shannon Burke. He does.

Yes, every day I weigh myself. But the gym is on the 11th deck so the little pointer on the scale is all wiggly so I can pick pretty much whichever weight I want.

Tomorrow morning we will wake up in Lisbon, Portugal. Lots of excursions offered but Dave and I will take the train to the center of the city - and walk.
