For years Hollywood has presented us with cheesy movies of prehistoric women.
One of the cheesiest was the insanely brutal "One Million Years B.C." with Raquel Welch who is, by the way, my age.
Were we ever really supposed to believe that prehistoric woman looked like this?
Now archaeologists have discovered a 40,000 (that's 40 thousand) year old figurine of a woman. She's pictured above and, while it's difficult to make much of this picture, we can tell that she's not Raquel Welch.
Carved from ivory, this figurine sheds new light on the origins of humans and the origins of art.
I was seriously excited when I read about this find in a cave in Germany. They also discovered other items like the remains of horses, cave bears and mammoths.
Besides learning something about this early time, we might even learn something about ourselves.