My Oldies keep me constantly entertained. For a while now Mr. Oldie has fed the squirrels in his condo garage. His neighbors aren't happy. I think that's part of the thrill.
Things got so that when we ate out he would wrap up the bread and other goodies to take to the squirrels.
When I visited them in their luxury condo, big jars of nuts from Costco lined the kitchen counter.
And then several weeks ago a squirrel nipped his finger. He immediately drove to his doctor's office where his doctor's nurse applied a band aid.
I don't know if this was the beginning of the end but he eventually lost his need to serve up scrumptious meals for the squirrels.
So he explained to them that the gravy train was over. Eventually most of them quit hanging around but one wouldn't leave and besides that he was caught chewing things on the underside of my Oldie's car.
What to do! My Oldie bought a cage and trapped the squirrel. His plan was to drive the squirrel a long way to a wooded area (OK, he lives in a wooded area with about a billion squirrels but that's beside the point) and release him.
But first he went inside to rest.
Three days later he remembered the squirrel in the cage. No food or water, not to mention gourmet nuts. He knew he'd done something terrible to one of God's creatures.
But when he got to the garage the squirrel was fine. Frisky even. So my Oldie gave him a stern lecture, raised the door to the cage and the squirrel scurried away.
Another time I'll entertain you with the story of my Oldie and the pigeons.