The Orlando Sentinel runs ads occasionally for people to sign up for test trials. The Rippe Lifestyle Institute hires participants to be part of a study on diabetes or smoking or snoring or high blood pressure.
The last few days the ad has stated that the institute is conducting a study for overweight men and women to assess the effectiveness of consuming popcorn as part of an overall approach to a healthy diet.
They wouldn't hire me for this study because I'm not overweight.
One of the big reasons for that is because I am a lifelong DAILY eater of popcorn. It's my fallback food. If I have the munchies, I eat popcorn. If I'm not hungry or feel a little queasy, I eat popcorn.
The last few years I've eaten Kettle Corn from the farmer's market. The popcorn lady and I are best buds. We're both sad that I'm leaving for the summer and will be Kettle Corn deprived - but my boyfriend plans to make it up to me.
This popcorn is lightly salted and sugared. It's low in calories and high in fiber. The taste is to die for.
I've weighed about 114 pounds for over 30 years. What's my secret? (Besides watching what I eat and exercising every single day.)
Listen up Rippe Lifestyle Institute. It's popcorn.