Saturday, September 1, 2007


I write poetry. Some of it used to appear in magazines and papers. I put together a book in the late 70s that sold thousands of copies (a rare thing for poetry.)

For years a psychologist ordered the books by the dozens to use in group therapy. I was never sure how to feel about that.

In a couple of days we will celebrate the third anniversary of the death of my Real Husband. Yes, "celebrate" is the word. His death was a blessing for him and every person who loved him during the last years.

But prior to his final illness he was a "Larger than Life" force to be reckoned with.

Following is a little poem that I wrote in 1999 - describing my marriage.

Marriage is like a trip to Disney.
Most folks choose Cinderella's Merry-Go-Round.
It's nice.
We chose Space Mountain with a few stops at
the Tower of Terror.
Thanks for the ride!