Thursday, March 31, 2016

Are You Ready to be a Yalie?

As you know,  Florida's "Jobs" governor, Rick Scott, has suggested that Yale University move  down here to Florida because the  Connecticut State legislature has threatened to tax the university.  Yale was founded in New Haven over 300 years ago.

By the way, 300 years ago Florida was a total jungle so, from what little I know about Yalies, they would not have been able to hack it here at that time.  And I mean that literally.

Here are a few Yale stereotypes.  Preppy,  Liberal, WASP, Intellectual, Blue blood, Gay, Vegan Trust Fund babies.  So they are clearly not going to fit in here in Florida.  And we Floridans love ourselves just the way we are, not to mention that not many of us could fulfill the requirements for being a Yalie, including the 64,000 dollars a year annual bill.

But maybe we could work it out.

Just don't call us Townies.  Some of us like to be referred to as Crackers but be very careful about nick names.  Just be sure to bring lots of hair products due to our notorious extreme humidity.  And don't worry - we have plenty of Starbucks.

I think Governor Scott is on to something.  The relocation of Yale University to Florida will significantly raise our collective IQs and net worth and lower our average age.

But, on the other hand, Dave's dad went to Yale Divinity School and neither he nor the students who've received the proceeds from his endowed scholarship and have written Dave over the years seem to fit the stereotypes above.
