Thursday, January 17, 2013

You Have To Want To

When I worked as a consultant much of what I did had to do with helping folks be - and stay - motivated.  To be unmotivated doesn't mean you can't do something.  It means you don't want to. be motivated means "you have to want to."

Example:  You can make your kids do their homework or you can motivate them to "want" to do it.  So, eventually they will be self motivated so you can drop out of the picture.  Hopefully, some time before grad school.

All this to say, since being sick during the holidays...I am unmotivated. 

I can work out at the gym...but I don't want to.

I can have dinner and see a movie with friends...but I don't want to. 

I can get up and enjoy the early morning hours...but I don't want to. 

I love the comic Sally Forth.  This morning's strip says it all.  It wasn't the visiting family that did me in.  It was the traveling with the flu. But I think I'm almost well because I (finally) Want To Want To.
