In many churches across the country, but certainly not all, probably not even most, yesterday was Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunday.

My minister invited Dr. Sharon Austin to be our guest preacher. Sharon is a district superintendent in the United Methodist Church. This means she supervises a couple of hundred ministers.
She's also an African American woman with a PhD. Watch out!
But that doesn't automatically make her the right person to preach on MLK, Jr. Sunday. But how about this: Before becoming a Methodist minister she was a Baptist preacher. Where? At Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. This is where both Martin Luther Kings, senior and junior preached.
Sharon was great yesterday. Sh spoke about Joseph in the Old Testament and MLK, Jr. in the more recent past. One of her themes was "dreams." Both of these guys were famous for their dreams.
If you've read this blog for a while you know that I read MLK, Jr.'s "Dream Speech" every year at this time. I read it this morning. It always inspires me. It always makes me want to cry.
We've come a long way since 1963. But we still have stubborn nightmares as well as persistent dreams.
Thank you, Sharon, for reminding us in such a powerful way.

My minister invited Dr. Sharon Austin to be our guest preacher. Sharon is a district superintendent in the United Methodist Church. This means she supervises a couple of hundred ministers.
She's also an African American woman with a PhD. Watch out!
But that doesn't automatically make her the right person to preach on MLK, Jr. Sunday. But how about this: Before becoming a Methodist minister she was a Baptist preacher. Where? At Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. This is where both Martin Luther Kings, senior and junior preached.
Sharon was great yesterday. Sh spoke about Joseph in the Old Testament and MLK, Jr. in the more recent past. One of her themes was "dreams." Both of these guys were famous for their dreams.

We've come a long way since 1963. But we still have stubborn nightmares as well as persistent dreams.
Thank you, Sharon, for reminding us in such a powerful way.