Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I Yam What I Yam

A while back I mentioned Joan Chittister's book, "The Gift of Years."  In it she helps us deal with our options as we get older.  Some of us don't think we have many.  Others of us see older age as a gift.

I've always been kind of an introspective person.  I've always wanted to grow.  As you know, I'm happy and grateful for this, that is in many ways, My Best Time. 

I have practically the whole of Chittister's book underlined.  Some lines I love, others I have to think about.  Here's an example.

...success is a much simpler thing than they ever told us.  It has to do with having the basics, with learning to be happy, with getting in touch with our spiritual selves, with living a balanced life, doing no harm, doing nothing but good.  The only test of the good life here is happiness. 

A number of older celebrities, some of whom I admire,  like Woody Allen and others, have been in therapy their whole lives and have spent millions of dollars trying to figure out the above.  I love this cartoon from last week's New Yorker magazine.

Like me, Popeye is getting old.  But, unlike Popeye in this cartoon, I like being me.  But I want to be the best Cess Crossman I can be at this stage of my life.  While I haven't spent any time on the psychiatrist's couch, I'm grateful for every person in my life who's helped me get this far.
