Thursday, September 20, 2012

Hello Dali

There's a group in our church called Act II.  It's designed for folks 50 and older.  We do fun, cultural things, as well as service projects and spiritual things, but then I consider viewing works of art a spiritual experience.

Yesterday we went to the Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida.  (Not to be confused with the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia that we visited in June.)

Salvador Dali was a Spanish surrealist painter.  Some folks think he was crazy.  Some folks think you have to know a lot about art to appreciate his work.

Not true on either count.  Almost all of his works tell an intricate, interesting story.  With a little help, even little kids love his art.

Here is what we expect of Dali. "Melting Clocks."  They had some melting clocks in the gift shop but I couldn't think of anybody who would love getting one.

This is Dali's "Portrait of Lincoln."  Don't see Lincoln?  Only see a nude, puzzle pieces and  a bunch of other stuff?

Try this other size.  Do you see him now?  Squint your eyes.

I like this "Hallucinogenic Toreador."  He's in there, amongst so much more!  His eye is one of the Venus heads, the other a Venus arm.  His nose is a breast.  His chin is her stomach.  His shirt and tie are her yellow skirt.

And, finally, this is Dali's "Geopoliticus Child Watching Birth of the New Man."  This was very personal for him.

Of course I would call it "I'm Outta Here!."