Friday, March 19, 2010

My Photo

Dave and I had our photos taken by Olin Mills Studios at my church this week. What a process. Had to get dressed up, then sit just so with lights just so and background just so. Many poses were taken.

But we didn't mind because it's so convenient to consult the pictorial directory when we're not altogether sure with whom we just made that dinner date.

Some people think that my photo attached to this blog looks suspiciously good. By that I think they mean young.

It was taken in 2003 by my favorite photog in all the world - my Mr. Oldie. I was sitting across from him in a restaurant. No posing. I was just having fun and he took the photo.

Mr. Oldies used his considerable photography skills to engage folks. Once we were in a restaurant with a large table full of Red Hat Ladies. These fun loving gals were having an especially good time that afternoon.

Mr. Oldie ambled over and asked if he could take some pictures. Afterwards he carefully took down names and addresses so he could share his many shots of Red Hat Ladies having fun.

We saw them a few more times over the years and they always came by the table for hugs.

Generally, I don't like having my picture taken. But with Mr. Oldie it was always a joy - and the photos showed it.

For him the picture taking is over - but he still loves restaurants and engaging with the people in them.
