Friday, March 12, 2010

Discussing The Meaning of Life

Why was I born? Why am I living? What do I give? What am I getting?

Last Sunday I taught my SS class. We briefly touched on the question of how important it is to contemplate the meaning of life. Well, not exactly the general meaning but the specific meaning in my life right now.

I think about it a lot. So do my friends. Some might even say we obsess about it.

It's especially important now, during Lent. It 's the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert being introspective.

When the class was over one of the men said that he doesn't think about the meaning of life at all. Dave said he didn't think much about it either. And so on.

These are all men who are living exemplary lives.

Don't want to stereotype but maybe most men don't care to get real introspective.

There was that episode on Seinfield where Jerry was thinking about getting married and Kramer said, "Don't do it! She'll try to make you sit around and talk about your feelings."

Sorry guys. Kramer was right.
