By now you've all seen the video of the St. Paul couple who danced their way down the aisle. Most everybody loves it.
Except the local clergy persons who've been interviewed in the papers and on TV. They sound like real spoil sports. Don't they know that brides just wanna have fun?
At the risk of having you call me an old foggy - or worse - I agree with the clergy. The reception is the place to have fun. The wedding, if it's done in a religious setting, is a religious experience. It's solemn. It's serious. It's a lifetime commitment before God.
Here are some personal observations after several decades as a minister's spouse:
If a church has a long center aisle, brides want to get married there. They're not concerned about denomination or beliefs. "Just look at me and my girls as we come down that aisle."
My husband was asked to perform weddings on horseback, ankle deep in the ocean, in a plane and in various other places.
It's not all bad. But we need to remember that the wedding service is a sober, religious experience.
Well, unfortunately, not always sober!