Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Julie and Julia

We saw this movie last night. We both loved it. Here's what I loved:

The way Julia and Paul Child interacted. They had a very healthy love life and they respected each other. They were a delight to watch. I hope Dave and I treat each other the same way. It's a very different style of relationship from the young Julie and her husband.

The way Meryl Streep is such a great actress that she can "act" really tall ever though she's only 5' 6". Julia Child was a 6' 2" force of nature.

The way Julia's book, "Mastering The Art of French Cooking" came about - after a decade of struggling. American editors didn't think the "servantless" American public was ready for intricate French cuisine.

The way Julie Powell's life changed through blogging. SO HAS MINE! I looked up her blog today. In the last part of the movie she learns that Julia Child (then 90 years old) didn't care for her (Julie's) blog. In today's blog posting she modifies that a bit. But my take on it is that Julia Child was 90 years old! Give her a break.

A couple of things I didn't like:

The way Julie treated her husband. Even after he left and came back. She still never said, "How was your day?"

The French cooking itself. The movie did not make me want to prepare or eat the recipes. They're all complicated and the first five ingredients are butter, butter, butter, butter and butter.

Butter is 100% fat. Just so's you know!
