Most of us enjoyed the culmination, in President Obama's back yard, of the Professor Gates, Police Sgt. James Crowley crisis.
We liked the jokes, the choice of beers, the wearing or not wearing of jackets, etc.
Everybody made mistakes in the break in incident . Nobody had to apologize. They were given a chance to come together where they could - with dignity. Like they discovered that they both liked fancy beers - but different brands.
Even the president made a mistake by using the word "stupidly." But people had fun with it. Several versions of t-shirts were quickly manufactured. My favorite had the words "I'm with stupidly" across the front.
I think the picture above is great! It depicts a microcosm of what's possible all over the world. People coming together where they can find common ground.
I was reminded of this again this morning when I saw President Clinton bringing home the two journalists, Euna Lee and Laura Ling.
To do this he had to meet with North Korea's reclusive (and some say crazy) leader, Kim Jong. What could they possibly have in common? Well, they both love Elvis. (I wondered to Dave if maybe they sat around in their Elvis outfits.)
Also, Kim Jong loves rock stars. Bill Clinton is a rock star.
But the important point is that vast differences were set aside, they came together where they could and the women were released.
As a part of this process it was good to see Clinton and Al Gore having a hug. They've not always been on the same page. But I'm sure Gore was grateful to have these journalists, who work for Current -TV, which he co-founded, home safe and sound.
All of this success - the professor and the cop and an international incident - with no bloodshed.
What a blessing.