And here I'll stay
Let the storm rage on
Lyrics from Let it Go by Idina Menzel from the movie Frozen
Frozen is close to being the most watched movie and the highest grossing movie of all time. I'm sure that four of my granddaughters know all of the lyrics to Let it Go. I know one of them does because she sang it to me on Sunday.
As you know, I don't care for animation so it's not likely I'll see Frozen. But when I've mentioned this to friends even my age (who have grandchildren) they look at me like I'm crazy.
It's not like I don't know much about the movie. I do. Just like I know lots about the Kardasians even though I've never seen one on the TV.
But now I have a soul mate in the concept of sometimes not caring for the current world's most popular thing.
One of my favorite writers, Joel Stein, in his weekly Time Magazine column, talks about how his 5 year old son, Laszlo, seriously does not like Frozen. Joel says a few weeks ago, when Laszlo was picked up from preschool crying and holding his ears, the problem turned out to be that the girls in his class were all singing Let it Go.
Later on when Joel asked Laszlo why he hated Frozen so much (despite not having seen it) he said, It's got like, dresses in it. I don't like dresses. And there's, like, princesses, and I don't like princesses. I like car-and-trucks things.
I'm with you Laszlo.
In the meantime, Kim and Kanye are getting married! Oh the horror.