Anyway, some time during the 20 minutes or so I was there our picture was taken. Today I saw the photo on my Facebook page. But my guess is that it was there within five minutes of my leaving the building.
The Facebook "likes" were in the hundreds. Nice. And there were several comments. Mostly nice and sweet. In fact that's what they called me. "Nice" and "sweet." One person said "Did she bring you milk and cookies like my mom does?"
I'm sure this made John laugh. We don't have that kind of relationship. I'm not a milk and cookies mom.
John's reply on FB was "She walked around like she owned the place." You, my readers, know very well I didn't do that either. I behaved myself.
John also e-mailed his brother, Scott, who is currently in Paris, and told him I tried to sit in his chair but John didn't allow it.
You know better! That would be trespassing.