Tuesday, September 24, 2013

When Love Grows Old

The other day a friend asked me if Dave and I were still ga-ga.  We all know that we can't sustain that fresh, exciting, breathtaking romantic phase forever - that things have to eventually cool down.

But that has not yet happened to me and Dave.  After eight amazing years, we're still as ga-ga as ever.  Every day is fresh, new and exciting.  He's still my Darlin' Companion.

OK, part of this is attitude  I like the above cartoon from The New Yorker.

And, in that vein, you'd think, after 60 years of drawing, it might be easy for Dave to say, "There's nothing left to draw."

But he doesn't.  He still finds joy in his art.  Here's a photo of his latest.  I love it.
