The New Yorker magazine came yesterday. What's on the cover? A drawing of a young guy in a basement full of beakers and such with an older guy coming down the stairs. The title is "Bad Chemistry."
Dave and I ate breakfast at First Watch this morning. We think it's a bit pricey but we've found a yummy, big breakfast that we can share. It's called the Trifecta. Two strips bacon, two eggs and a plate size granola/banana pancake. First Watch also has free copies of the USA. Today for sharing. What's featured on the front page of the entertainment section? Breaking Bad, of course.
I've seen the first three episodes. I found them depressing. But I don't know if it would be fair for me to skip all five seasons and just watch the final episode on Sunday. It's a moral decision.
I guess I could ask myself - "WWWD?" - "What Would Walter Do?"