My kids and I played non stop Monopoly when they were young. In fact, I think this might very well be the main reason my older son became a real estate tycoon. Monopoly and Risk! He was the champ at both.
I guess you've heard about the big contest for replacing one of the Monopoly pieces. The ones in danger of being voted off were Wheelbarrow, Shoe, Scottie, Iron, Thimble, Top Hat, Ship and Car.
Which is your favorite? Which was your favorite as a kid? If several people were playing, and you had to choose last, which piece did you think was really lame?
I actually liked the thimble. It fit well in my hand. My next favorite was that Scottie dog.
But I didn't like to play with a lot of people because, even with only two, it took hours and hours. I guess they have ways of speeding up the game now. Like an automatic banker. Did you like being banker when you were a kid? Did it make you feel powerful?
I think the contest for picking a new Monopoly piece was a brilliant P.R. move on Hasbro's part. It's sparked new interest in the game. Although I can't image it being very popular ever again since our attention spans have so drastically shortened.
If you haven't yet heard the results: The Iron was replaced by a kitty cat.
Would this have been your choice?
I guess you've heard about the big contest for replacing one of the Monopoly pieces. The ones in danger of being voted off were Wheelbarrow, Shoe, Scottie, Iron, Thimble, Top Hat, Ship and Car.
Which is your favorite? Which was your favorite as a kid? If several people were playing, and you had to choose last, which piece did you think was really lame?
I actually liked the thimble. It fit well in my hand. My next favorite was that Scottie dog.
But I didn't like to play with a lot of people because, even with only two, it took hours and hours. I guess they have ways of speeding up the game now. Like an automatic banker. Did you like being banker when you were a kid? Did it make you feel powerful?
I think the contest for picking a new Monopoly piece was a brilliant P.R. move on Hasbro's part. It's sparked new interest in the game. Although I can't image it being very popular ever again since our attention spans have so drastically shortened.

Would this have been your choice?