By the way, Beth is young, small and beautiful, as you can see from this photo. But don't let that make you think she does sissy news. She used to be the business news guy. Her column now covers all sorts of important local issues. And she calls it as she sees it. I think that's good. I think investigative reporting keeps us honest, whether it's local or world wide.
But, yes, the paper has shrunk. Most of the things happening around the globe are left to other news sources these days. I understand the need but I think it's sad. Because some folks don't have a clue as to what's going on outside their own little area of interest. And they intensely dislike most news sources (except the one that agrees with them.)
I like to read things that make me think.
Thirty or so years ago there was a popular minister in Florida named Dr. George Foster. He was known for "telling it like it is." But he was most known for great sermon titles. Here is my favorite George Foster sermon title.
The Myopia of Piosity.