I've never had a near death experience - that I know of. Over the years I've talked with folks who've told me they have. Some have seemed credible to me - some have not. That's mostly been due to the person telling me.
Like most people, I've also read a few books on the subject. I'm a logical person so I've questioned most of it. When my husband, Ken, died, a couple of people gave me books about near death experiences. They weren't helpful.
I'm not very Woo Woo. I have a strong belief in afterlife but I try to keep an open mind about what's real and what's not, in terms of evidence. The vast majority of my evidence is from two thousand years ago.
All that said, this week's Newsweek magazine's front cover says "Heaven is Real....A Doctor's Experience of the Afterlife."
That's an intriguing cover for Newsweek.
Inside is an excerpt from a new book by Eben Alexander, an academic neurosurgeon at Harvard Medical School.
In his book titled "Proof of Heaven" Dr. Alexander tells a remarkable story of his journey to heaven while being in a coma for eight days. It's a beautiful story. He experienced amazing love.
Not a particularly religious man prior to this experience, Dr. Alexander is changed. He now says this.
The plain fact is that the materialist picture of the body and brain as the producers, rather than the vehicles, of human consciousness is doomed.
He goes on to say....This new picture of reality will take a long time to put together....But, in essence, it will show the universe as evolving, multidimensional, and known down to its very last atom by a God who cares for us even more deeply and fiercely than any parent ever loved their child.
The messages Dr. Alexander brought back with him are, in part, "You are loved and cherished dearly, forever." "You have nothing t fear." If I ever have a near death experience, this would be exactly the same message I'd like to bring back.
Like most people, I've also read a few books on the subject. I'm a logical person so I've questioned most of it. When my husband, Ken, died, a couple of people gave me books about near death experiences. They weren't helpful.
I'm not very Woo Woo. I have a strong belief in afterlife but I try to keep an open mind about what's real and what's not, in terms of evidence. The vast majority of my evidence is from two thousand years ago.
All that said, this week's Newsweek magazine's front cover says "Heaven is Real....A Doctor's Experience of the Afterlife."
That's an intriguing cover for Newsweek.

In his book titled "Proof of Heaven" Dr. Alexander tells a remarkable story of his journey to heaven while being in a coma for eight days. It's a beautiful story. He experienced amazing love.
Not a particularly religious man prior to this experience, Dr. Alexander is changed. He now says this.
The plain fact is that the materialist picture of the body and brain as the producers, rather than the vehicles, of human consciousness is doomed.
He goes on to say....This new picture of reality will take a long time to put together....But, in essence, it will show the universe as evolving, multidimensional, and known down to its very last atom by a God who cares for us even more deeply and fiercely than any parent ever loved their child.
The messages Dr. Alexander brought back with him are, in part, "You are loved and cherished dearly, forever." "You have nothing t fear." If I ever have a near death experience, this would be exactly the same message I'd like to bring back.