....and I'm a drug addict.
Last week when Eugene Jarecki's new film "The House I Live In" premiered in Hollywood to a very small audience, they were surprised to see Pitt walk out and, by way of introducing the movie, made the above statement.
The film is about the 40 years long failed war on drugs. Those of you who've read this blog for a while know that I have big issues with the way we handle this problem...and other problems. Namely, by throwing folks in prison. If you are young, black, poor, and/or a veteran of any war since WWII - and you have a drug problem - you're thrown in prison.
Here's an example of some positive results from this remedy for a serious problem: More and bigger prisons, more money for both government and private prisons, more money for vendors, etc.
Here are some negative results: Ruined lives and not even a dent in the drug problem.
Did you know that, traditionally, prosecution for using crack is many times more harsh than prosecution for using cocaine? What's the difference? None. They're the same drug. It's just that one's used more by the poor and the other's used more by the well to do.
In his introduction Mr. Pitt goes on to say that he hasn't used drugs in many years but he could still go to almost any city in American and get any drugs a person could want within 24 hours. Yes, he's Brad Pitt so he could get almost anything he wanted period - but his point is that this problem hasn't changed.
If you have the opportunity, please see this documentary "The House I Live In." It will make you think.

The film is about the 40 years long failed war on drugs. Those of you who've read this blog for a while know that I have big issues with the way we handle this problem...and other problems. Namely, by throwing folks in prison. If you are young, black, poor, and/or a veteran of any war since WWII - and you have a drug problem - you're thrown in prison.
Here's an example of some positive results from this remedy for a serious problem: More and bigger prisons, more money for both government and private prisons, more money for vendors, etc.
Here are some negative results: Ruined lives and not even a dent in the drug problem.
Did you know that, traditionally, prosecution for using crack is many times more harsh than prosecution for using cocaine? What's the difference? None. They're the same drug. It's just that one's used more by the poor and the other's used more by the well to do.
In his introduction Mr. Pitt goes on to say that he hasn't used drugs in many years but he could still go to almost any city in American and get any drugs a person could want within 24 hours. Yes, he's Brad Pitt so he could get almost anything he wanted period - but his point is that this problem hasn't changed.
If you have the opportunity, please see this documentary "The House I Live In." It will make you think.