It was a big deal. Remember them anticipating the "seven minutes of terror?"
But what's going viral is their hair cuts.
Bobak, the flight director, has the Mohawk. Apparently, he changes hair styles withe each landing. Adam has the Elvis "do."
This last Saturday morning these two guys were contestants on NPR's game show, "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me." They were, of course, smart, but also funny and self effacing.

Not too many years ago Adam was a high school drop out. He was a Rock 'n Roll guy. But he found himself being fascinated with how the stars looked different traveling to his gigs than they did driving home.
The rest is history.
Bobak will continue as a director at NASA. Adam's job is finished. When Peter Sagal asked him what he might be doing in the future he said he might need a sign saying "Will land on Mars for Food."
By the way, the game questions for these guys on "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me," had to do with Mars - Mars the candy bar company. They won.