Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Is It Starting Now?

I'm tired of seeing clueless character Sheldon Cooper, in current promos for reruns of The Big Bang Theory,  saying "Is the sex starting now?

This morning I was looking on the web for one of the many "Living to 100" sites.  I took the calculator test  to see how long I'm going to live.  My score came back at age 99.  Good news!

But then, as always, I started thinking about my brain and how healthy it will be when I'm 99.  Do I really want to live that long if it's mush?

So, like many of my friends, I worry about the dementia process and when I can't find my keys (like yesterday) or my sweater (like today) I think "Is it starting now?"

I always play a little memory game on the computer while I'm cycling at the gym.  I've set a target score for myself and now, after several months, I always surpass it.  Until Saturday when I failed miserably.  And, of course, asked myself "Is it starting now?"  Do you think like that when you've continually misplaced the remote or forgotten to shut the garage door?

Yesterday, fortunately, I beat the memory game again.  So I'm safe - until tomorrow.

But, unlike Sheldon, I don't have to ask his nightly question on the promos.  I can still figure that one out.
