I, like you, can hardly stand to hear the daily news about the oil spill. We're all waiting and praying for a solution. Meanwhile we feel helpless and angry.
But the thing is, anger doesn't solve problems. I used to lead seminars on "Problem Solving." What we like to do when we have problems is to:
1. Identify the people who caused the problem.
2. Punish them.
This might make us feel better but it doesn't solve the problem.
Nor will the president expressing anger solve the problem.
Now we have, of all people, touchy, feely actor, Kevin Coster coming up with some solutions. At first he was discounted, but now B/P has purchased 32 of Kevin's Anti Oil machines.
Kevin says that these machines, which he's spent 25 million dollars perfecting, can clean oil from more than 200,000 gallons of water a day.
A number of commentators have been making fun of Kevin Costner. I don't think he should be taken seriously because he's a movie star but that's not a good reason to discount him either.
I hope and pray that his Anti Oil machines work - and they help solve the problem.