Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I Don't Make Mistakes

I still pride myself on being in control. I'm very careful.

Well, OK, I mess things up occasionally. It used to be normal but now I wonder "Did this happen because I'm losing it?"

I'm not sure what the signs are. It might be the difference between burning your finger on the stove or catching the kitchen on fire. (Once when I was a young wife I actually did catch the kitchen on fire but it wasn't due to brain deterioration.)

So yesterday when Dave told me about some little mistake he made I said "You tell me about all the mistakes you made today and I'll top you."

Here's what happened:

I was coming out of the shopping center. It was cold and raining like crazy. I ran to the car, got in and then struggled to put down the umbrella and get it in beside me. Then put my stuff on the seat and put the key in the ignition. But it wouldn't start. So I turned the key over. Nothing. Then opened the compartment next to the seat to find a Kleenex to wipe my glasses.

Only no Kleenex box. It was full of CDs. "What the hey!"

Yes, I was in the wrong car.

In my defense it was the same make and model.

But, of course, I asked myself on the way home:

"Am I making more mistakes? Am I losing it?"
