Dave and his friend of many years had an opening last Saturday night at a small art gallery here in Minneapolis. Their paintings (each has about a dozen ) will hang for a month. At the opening we saw a lot of Dave's old friends, many of whom had no idea that he did art. Dave and his friend's paintings are cheerful and fun. Their title for this show is "Mr. Loose and Mr. Tight."
We had a really nice evening.
At the same gallery, in another room, a young artist is showing his work for the same amount of time. He participated in the opening.
This guy is amazing!
It was exciting to see people walk into the room and gasp at his work. When I walked in it took my breath a way. His canvases are large, most around 4 ft. x 4 ft. His work is very dark in content and color.
The artist is Luke Hillestad. His showing is called "Phantom Limb."
We all can relate to the memory and sensation we're left with after a loss. My "phantom limb" experiences have made themselves known in many terrible and bizarre ways. I thought of them and others when I saw the painting above. At first glance I thought it could be Mary comforting Jesus but then it could be any one of us comforting any one of us at a time of great loss.
As you can tell, I was greatly moved by Luke Hillestad's work.