Friday, April 2, 2010

Money Matters

Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can - to all the people you can for as long as you can. - John Wesley

I save my change each day and put it in my piggy bank. The other evening I got out my pig and emptied it on to a cookie sheet. Dave asked what I was doing. I told him I was wrapping my coins and taking them to the bank.

"Why," he asked.

"Because I'll use the dollars for spending money on our trip.?"

He laughed. "You don't have more than $11.00."

"We'll see," says I.

The next day I came home from the bank with $53.50. Not much mad money for a 3 week trip to Europe but I won't need much more. We've paid for our trip and neither of us is interested in buying stuff.

I've always been about saving, sharing and pre paying. My kids are somewhat the same way.

My good friend told me last week that she and her husband had given up eating out on Thursday nights for many weeks so they could afford to give several hundred dollars to a cause they care about.

It makes the giving so much sweeter when we sacrifice for it.

I didn't do that but it's been a privilege to give in some extra ways during Lent. The very last check I wrote was to buy an Easter Lily for our church service to honor my Oldies. (If you see it listed in the bulletin on Easter, show it to them - because they will be missing me.)

So, I like to spend what I have on what I need and really want, save some and give some. So does Dave.

And if we don't have it we don't spend it.
