By now everybody knows that astrophysicist Stephen Hawking has stated that, yes, there are aliens in space and, no, we don't want them visiting us.
Fortunately, I've seen enough Si-Fi movies to make up my own mind on this subject. My favorite is The Day the Earth Stood Still.
Not the lame 2008 version with that whiny Keanu Reeves but the original 1951 version with Michael Rennie and Patricia Neal.
I'm thinking we could maybe benefit from (another) visit. Because, while this movie agrees with Dr. Hawking that the rest of the universe has just about had it with us, Space Alien/Prophet Michael Rennie drops in to give give us one more chance to shape up.
"You must live peacefully."
In other words, we'd better learn to love each other and take care of our planet or we're in trouble whether we get (another) visit or not.