Thursday, January 29, 2009

The New Media Darling

The talk shows have had a ball the last few days with their new rock star Rod Blagojevich. I've seen him on "The View" and "Larry King Live." I don't usually watch "The View" because those women all talk at the same time but I did catch a little bit of Rod.

How do you pronounce his name? Seems like there are several ways. I'm going for Bah-goya-vich.

He's been charming and funny and the hosts seem to be enchanted with him. I don't know if he's danced with Ellen yet.

But the thing is, from all reports, he is a very bad man. He's been impeached and may be going to prison. He's hurt thousands of Illinois residents.

But I'm not questioning his disturbingly charming behavior on his current celebrity binge. I'm questioning the networks for putting him on - and me for watching.
