Friday, January 2, 2009

My Christmas Head Cold

Remember when people first started living together in the 70s to see what marriage was going to be like? And people like me started suggesting that to really know what it's like they should live together in a small apartment with three kids with the flu?

My boyfriend and I don't live together. We are house guests, frequently, in each other's homes. We have our own private spaces, our own things, our own money, our own cars, etc. I live in Florida. He lives in Minnesota.

But when we travel we usually find ourselves in close quarters most of the time. It's kinda fun, especially at Christmas time when we make our Annual Road Trip - visiting family and friends along the way. Except I can always count on my Christmas head cold. It usually starts around the last five days of the three week trip.

I can fake for a while because I don't feel bad - except for the searing throat pain accompanied by the muffled gagging.

I drink hot tea by the boat load.

On New Year's eve we watched the happenings in downtown Atlanta from our panoramic window in our exquisite hotel suite. It was so romantic. Except for the hacking. And the watery eyes. And the bright red nose.

My boyfriend has a wonderful sense of humor.

We're home now and tonight I will drag out my humidifier.

Please excuse me while I blow my nose on my big wet hanky.
