Thursday, September 25, 2008

Attitude is Everything

Yesterday I met with my Power Rangers. Even though, as a group and as individuals, we're positive, giving, smart and powerful, we started fussing a bit about our own personal portfolios. After all, we're older women.

But then one of us read something that immediately brought us back into proper focus. We ended up having a loving, uplifting, outgoing conservation.

I've had a good bit of response from my posting of a couple of days ago, "H-E-Double Toothpicks." My take on it is that people are scared and feeling negative about our country and our world.

As a person said to me yesterday, "I know what hell is like, I'm there." But when we got to talking, things are not so bad for him. He's projecting some bad stuff in the future.

Following is a little story about hell. It's partly from C. S. Lewis and partly from M. Scott Peck. I'm telling it from memory so my apologies to Clive and Scott.

A young man was in heaven. There were occasional bus tours to hell. He decided to go this one time because his uncle was in hell and he wanted to say hi to him.

After they arrived he and his totally miserable uncle had a little visit. When it was time to board the bus to return to heaven the young man said,

"Uncle, why don't you come back to heaven with me?"

The uncle was unsure. He said, "Let me ask you some questions."

"Back on earth I always had my personal staff to wait on me. They did what I told them to do. Will I have a staff in heaven?"

The nephew said, "Well, it doesn't work that way. You won't need a staff."

"You know I was a professor and I had tenure. Will I have tenure in heaven?"

The nephew thought for a minute and said, "Again, it doesn't really work that way. Everybody has tenure."

This bothered the uncle.

They had some more conversation but when it was time for the bus to leave for heaven the uncle decided not to get on.

He chose to stay in hell.
