Monday, March 31, 2008

It's All in My Head

I've had a very nerve wracking two weeks. Things were pretty darn stressful and then something catastrophic happened at my church.

I chose to be part of helping with the healing process. It was hard but it was an honor. This past Sunday was absolutely glorious - but still stressful for me.

Along about last Tuesday I began to have some scary physical symptoms. I was already scheduled for a medical check up. After an exam the doctor said: "There's nothing wrong with you. It's stress."

Along about the same time I developed a rash. Some kind of dermatitis. Hard to sleep. I developed big red bumps and welts all over my arms and legs.

Yesterday I went to the dermatologist. I don't have a rash or dermatitis. I've apparently done this to myself by scratching in my sleep. I asked the doctor why I would do that. He said, "It's stress."

You can imagine how attractive all these bumps, welts and scratching are to those around me.

But this is a new day in a new week. Things are looking up. I have wonderful plans for the near future.

To quote one of my favorite writers who was also under a lot of stress much of the time, I'm ... Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead."
