Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Radical Fundamentalism

I heard a guy speak a few days ago. He was good. I liked that he had a point of view and the background to back it up. He's from Iran. And he wants us to pronounce that E-RON.

Some of his story parallels the main character's in "The Kite Runner" but I was sitting up close and personal to this guy when he was telling his story so it was exciting.

I like that he is a Christian convert but something he said bothered me. And it was this.

"Muslims want to take over the world."

I have a problem with "absolute" statements. I have some Muslim friends whom I love. To my knowledge, not one of them has ever made a move to take over the world.

I think a better statement might be: "Some Muslims want to take over the world." Or some Muslims with a political agenda want to take over the world.

There are those who think that: "Some Evangelical Christians want to take over the world." In fact, there are those who think that some Evangelical Christians (with a political agenda) have taken over much of the world.

I also have plenty of Evangelical Christian friends and family members whom I love. In the theological sense -not the political - I am one. (I have no take over plans.)

A Lunatic Fringe surrounds almost every movement - people who are always pushing the envelope.

During the Reagan Administration there was a group of conservative Christians who wanted to hurry up the end times.

Jesus had to contend with the Zealots.

While Christianity is the largest religion in the world, there are currently over a BILLION Muslims and the religion is rapidly growing.

Maybe we should learn a little more about each other and our true beliefs.
