Saturday, September 14, 2024

Annie Potts

 I love Annie Potts. I loved her when she was the Ghostbusters sassy secretary.  I loved her as the wisecracking feminist in Designing Women.

And, now, at the age of 71, she's outdone herself as the beautiful, funny, strong, sexy Meemaw on Young Sheldon.  

I especially love the line she often uses "Are you tryin' to kill me?"  Like when she wakes up to young Sheldon beginning an analytical conversation.  Not at home in his own bed, but, unbeknownst to her, sleeping  next to her in her bed,    
23rd surgery

"Are you tryin' to kill me?"

But 71 year old Annie Potts has another story, one that's unbeknownst to many of us.  When she was 21 years old, she was hit, while walking, by a drunk driver.  She was left with every bone in her body below the waist (except one) broken.  

She recently had knee surgery.  But this wasn't her first surgery.  Over the years, she had many, 23 to be exact, including several knee replacements.

I wish every person in their 20s knew Annie Potts' broken body story.  For most of us, life is long, and tragedy happens, but it does not have to define us.

By the way, I sometimes want to say to family members whom I love........"Are you tryin' to kill me?"
