Saturday, December 4, 2021

Christmas Miracle


It seems like more "miracles" happen at Christmas time but maybe  we're just more open to them at this glorious time of year. 

Last Sunday while I was in worship I began feeling ill.  This has happened every Sunday since I've been back, physically present in the pew. But, to me, it's been worth it to see real live friends up close and personal - after these last couple of lockdown years. 

But last Sunday was different.  Noise, even beautiful music type noise, causes all kinds of havoc in my brain.  As the roaring inside my body grew I kept fiddling with my hearing aid and exchanging it with the one the church provides, and the ushers worked on especially for me.  

But the dreaded Meniere's Disease took over and nothing would calm it.  So, while feeling extremely wobbly, I left the service.  This was embarrassing because I sit in the front left side of the sanctuary,  which I've  done for the last 60 years - different  churches, same pew.  

I stayed in the quiet narthex until I felt safe enough to drive home.  

Here comes the miracle part.

A while after I returned home I realized I had lost my $2,000  hearing aid.  So I was miserably ill, and feeling miserably stupid to boot.  

Late Monday morning I called the church office in the totally unrealistic hope someone found it.  It's about the size of a dime.  

It had been found in the parking lot and turned into the church office.

How could this happen?   Scores of people walked to the parking lot and then drove their cars out after I was gone.  It was highly unlikely it would have survived, but it works fine. I have no idea who found it.  But if you know, please tell that person that he or she performed a Christmas Miracle in the parking lot of First United Methodist Church of Winter Park.  

I can't be there tomorrow for, festival GLORIA,  the magnificent Christmas music with choir and full orchestra but I'll be watching on my TV in my pj's.  

As my husband, Ken, used to say when he found a big ticket bargain:  How will we spend the $2,000 we just saved?  I'm sure it will come to me.  I would love to perform a (smaller) Christmas miracle that would delight someone as much as the person who found the hearing aid delighted me. 
