This strange illness I currently have (non-Covid related) causes mini panic attacks. Paranoia abounds. Besides this, along with many of you, I am doing my best trying to comfort folks every day who are in much worse shape than I am.
But my current big problem is my hair.
I suspect my neighbors have been wishing I'd cover my head with a paper bag like Charlie Brown did when he thought his head had turned into a baseball.
So, since I'm feeling better, but after much handwringing, I decided to venture out for a haircut. But, of course, I was worried and grilled my friends about their various hair cut experiences, not to mention grilling the hairdresser like Elaine did on the Seinfeld episode where she conducted an extensive check list interview with her boyfriend to determine if he was "Sponge worthy."
Yesterday morning I headed for the salon. My stylist met me at the door of this large, beautifully appointed salon. She and I were the only two people there. She was even more Covid alert than me, which was impressive. It was all good. I didn't panic.
The salon shares a (very crowded) parking lot with Panera Bread. I backed my car out and right square in the middle of the one way travel lane my car promptly died. I was crossways in the lane. Blocking traffic.
But still no panic. I called Panera. A young man came out and I suggested if he could get a couple of people they could push the car into the parking space behind me. He left and came back with a girl and they did the job. (Yeah Girl Power!) I tried to tip them $20 but they refused to accept it.
I called AAA and the tow truck arrived shortly. He jump started the dead-as-a-doornail battery but could not sell me a new one so I had to drive home with this battery on life support.
But still no panic!
Once I got home I called the proper AAA person for installing a battery and an hour later I had a healthy car - and a cute haircut.
Next I called the manager of Panera to tell him about these kids who saved me from an angry mob, and saved his lunch crowd, and refused a $20 tip. That was fun.
Then I contacted AAA to praise the guys who rescued me as well.
Every one of these people, including my hairdresser, wore masks and practiced kindness. All in all, a very good day.