It's hard for us to handle the fact that our relationship with a higher power is shrouded in mystery, as this cartoon from this week's New Yorker suggests.
So my question to you and to myself is, "Did God give us the virus?" Is that how God operates? Is this the nature of God?
A few of our religious leaders around world are suggesting that God gave us this virus. And some of our television evangelists are trying to sell us (the chosen few) expensive elixirs that will supposedly keep us safe.
Here's my take. No. I don't believe that's the way the God of the universe operates. Many if not most of the catastrophes in the world are cause by us - not God. In my eyes the only questionable thing he did was to give us free will. So we bumble along making messes in our personal lives and beyond.
But, on the other hand, we've scored major accomplishments for the good of humanity.
Here's what I continue to believe: God is not fear. God is love. God empowers us to do good. And we see this good playing out in new and powerful ways every single day.
I hope that when this crisis is over we'll be able to step back and evaluate what was botched and what was done well. That's the nature of problem solving. Placing blame is not the most important thing. And placing blame on God is ridiculous.
But I firmly believe that God has given US the knowledge and power to make life on this planet sweet. So here's a big thanks to all of you who are "Running to the Fire" in ways we would not have even dreamed of a week ago.