Friday, October 25, 2019

We're Not Goin' Home

Recently John MacArthur,  a wildly popular and successful evangelical minister of a mega church in California, when asked to describe in two words, his feelings about Beth Moore, a wildly popular evangelical female leader, replied,

"Go Home!"

This has started a big old brouhaha in the evangelical  world.  I don't travel in these circles so I barely know who John MacArthur is.  I do know about Beth Moore from her books and Bible studies but she's not one of my personal favorites.  However, in her defense, she's had a powerful spiritual impact of many folks I love and respect.

But I do know about United Methodist clergywomen.  Yesterday I had lunch with one of my very favorites.  She has strongly affected my life, both spiritually and personally, since she came into it 20 years ago.   I'm beyond grateful she was called by God to ministry and I'm beyond grateful that she accepted the call.  We have a strong group of clergywomen in the UMC.  We currently have 16 female bishops, the highest office in the UMC.

As you can image, it has not been an easy process.  As with any kind of change within faith groups, interruption of scripture is paramount.  And even just a few months ago I read an article where clergywomen here if Florida were quoting some of the boneheaded things both male clergy and lay people have said and done to them.

I don't know exactly where mainline churches are headed here in this country.  I can't imagine a world without them.  So I'm grateful for faith leaders who guide us using love, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self control.

And I know our female leaders, lay and clergy, will hang in there and make our voices known.  I don't know exactly where we're going but we're not "going home."
