Monday, June 17, 2019

What Time iIs It?

When four grandchildren were here a couple of weeks ago I told them about one of Dave's cognitive tests (which, by the way,  he passes with flying colors.)

For example, for this one the therapist handed Dave a blank sheet of paper and asked him to draw a circle.  Then he was asked to draw the numbers on a clock.  And next he was asked to set the hands at ten minutes after ten.

Piece of cake. right?

However every one of these smart, high tech kids said they couldn't do it.  What an eye opener for me.  This generation of young people apparently tell time digitally - exclusively.

When we asked them how they would follow the instruction, they said the answer would look like 10:10.  They are apparently unfamiliar with the little hand on the 10 and the big hand on the 2.

I wonder if when they go to The Magic Kingdom they will start clockwise or counterclockwise.
